Monday, December 22, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
I love you, darling!
一对夫妇在婚后十一年生了一个男孩, 夫妻恩爱,男孩自然是二人的宝。 男孩两岁的某一天, 丈夫在出门上班之际, 看到桌上有一药瓶打开了, 不过因为赶时间, 他只扬声妻子把药瓶收好, 然后就关上门上班去。 妻子在厨房忙得团团转, 就忘了丈夫的叮嘱。 男孩拿药瓶, 觉得好奇、又被药水的颜色所吸引, 于是一饮而尽。 药水成份厉害, 即使成人服用也只能用少量。 男孩服药过量, 被送到医院后,返魂乏术。 妻子被事实吓呆了,不知如何面对丈夫。 紧张的父亲赶到医院, 得知噩耗非常伤心,看儿子的尸体, 望了妻子一眼,然后说了四个字。
答案是: 「I love you, darling!」
这反应是 Proactive 的 (即反过来控制局面,而不被局面控制)。
这丈夫是人类关系的天才, 因为儿子的死已成事实, 再吵再骂也不会改变事实, 只惹来更多的伤心, 而且不只自己失去儿子, 妻子也失去儿子。
这故事, 主旨是彰显人类选择的自我层次 , 同一件不幸事你可以怨天尤人, 痛骂社会,甚至自责无穷, 但事情却不因这些而改变, 这一切只改变了你和日后的生活, 负着疤痕的活下去。 反之,放下怨恨和惧怕, 放下过去,勇敢的活下去, 事情的境况原来并不如想象中坏, 这就是作者所说的 Proactive Behavior, 也就是我们所说的由人转境 , 而不是被外界事物牵着走 。 每个人都有不想让人所知的不幸事, 自己选择了什么方式去面对, 又怎么去面对未来,以及周边的人事物...
答案是: 「I love you, darling!」
这反应是 Proactive 的 (即反过来控制局面,而不被局面控制)。
这丈夫是人类关系的天才, 因为儿子的死已成事实, 再吵再骂也不会改变事实, 只惹来更多的伤心, 而且不只自己失去儿子, 妻子也失去儿子。
这故事, 主旨是彰显人类选择的自我层次 , 同一件不幸事你可以怨天尤人, 痛骂社会,甚至自责无穷, 但事情却不因这些而改变, 这一切只改变了你和日后的生活, 负着疤痕的活下去。 反之,放下怨恨和惧怕, 放下过去,勇敢的活下去, 事情的境况原来并不如想象中坏, 这就是作者所说的 Proactive Behavior, 也就是我们所说的由人转境 , 而不是被外界事物牵着走 。 每个人都有不想让人所知的不幸事, 自己选择了什么方式去面对, 又怎么去面对未来,以及周边的人事物...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Fade up with all the requirements to be fulfill...
Everyday rushing to hit the target...
The requirements serve to motivate us to practice more and gain experiences, but when it became a pressure and burden.. lost it purpose.
I don't like the feeling, when i already done the best to do more, but my effort being doubted.
Actually why i'm so care about other's perception on me? Everytime i acted not smart enough, i'll feel bad.
Not done well in presentation, not being careful enough to ensure everything i say or done is 100% correct.
In the process of gaining experience and know better about the hospital setting,
I'll always remind myself to serve the public better, even with my limited ability and performance.
But i'll be more confident as time pass by... for sure.
So, no need to worry about it. Even if they don't pass me, what to do? I done my best. Is your wish to do whatever on me.
I don't want to do counsellings for the sake of hitting target.
I don't want to purposely choose those discharged patients' case to clerk to reduce my workload. (3 new case per day for clinical, those in-ward patients need to be follow up everyday)
I want to do things for its meaning.
I want to be abit more of myself, coz i'm losing it bit by bit since worked.
Everyday rushing to hit the target...
The requirements serve to motivate us to practice more and gain experiences, but when it became a pressure and burden.. lost it purpose.
I don't like the feeling, when i already done the best to do more, but my effort being doubted.
Actually why i'm so care about other's perception on me? Everytime i acted not smart enough, i'll feel bad.
Not done well in presentation, not being careful enough to ensure everything i say or done is 100% correct.
In the process of gaining experience and know better about the hospital setting,
I'll always remind myself to serve the public better, even with my limited ability and performance.
But i'll be more confident as time pass by... for sure.
So, no need to worry about it. Even if they don't pass me, what to do? I done my best. Is your wish to do whatever on me.
I don't want to do counsellings for the sake of hitting target.
I don't want to purposely choose those discharged patients' case to clerk to reduce my workload. (3 new case per day for clinical, those in-ward patients need to be follow up everyday)
I want to do things for its meaning.
I want to be abit more of myself, coz i'm losing it bit by bit since worked.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Gained back mobility
每次都给自己很多借口。住槟城很少回家动到车啦,hand and brain coordination 不好啦,懒惰学车啦。所以几年了都没有自己驾车出门逛。惭愧。
在路上有遇到一些状况,信心不足。晚上遇到秀倩姐,提醒我凡事要想好的。最近几个礼拜都是很negative thinking,还好有身边朋友提醒, 不要想太多,要对自己有信心,要把开朗积极的自己找回来。不过讲真医院东西做上手了,真的没那么挫折感了。可见我之前真的是想太多。想想想,倒不如拿时间来充实自己。
每次都给自己很多借口。住槟城很少回家动到车啦,hand and brain coordination 不好啦,懒惰学车啦。所以几年了都没有自己驾车出门逛。惭愧。
在路上有遇到一些状况,信心不足。晚上遇到秀倩姐,提醒我凡事要想好的。最近几个礼拜都是很negative thinking,还好有身边朋友提醒, 不要想太多,要对自己有信心,要把开朗积极的自己找回来。不过讲真医院东西做上手了,真的没那么挫折感了。可见我之前真的是想太多。想想想,倒不如拿时间来充实自己。
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
考试前两天一个讲座提醒了我很多东西。主讲者问很多关于国家的常识我们都不太懂,所以就提醒我们不仅是药剂师,也是马来西亚公民。突然,猛然一击,开始发觉自己面对压力,不开心时,就没时间心情兼顾生命中很重要的东西。我的生活开始失衡了。没有去关心身边的家人朋友。朋友寄来的短讯没回复,没有正念地做每样事, 早上短短的自修也荒废了。
Bila kita tak bersyukur, kita akan sentiasa mengeluh. 我也开始忘记感恩,感恩自己还有一份能养家糊口的工作,能让我学习到很多知识经验的环境。没有惜福,宽容不见了。
考试前两天一个讲座提醒了我很多东西。主讲者问很多关于国家的常识我们都不太懂,所以就提醒我们不仅是药剂师,也是马来西亚公民。突然,猛然一击,开始发觉自己面对压力,不开心时,就没时间心情兼顾生命中很重要的东西。我的生活开始失衡了。没有去关心身边的家人朋友。朋友寄来的短讯没回复,没有正念地做每样事, 早上短短的自修也荒废了。
Bila kita tak bersyukur, kita akan sentiasa mengeluh. 我也开始忘记感恩,感恩自己还有一份能养家糊口的工作,能让我学习到很多知识经验的环境。没有惜福,宽容不见了。
Sunday, October 19, 2008
My working life...
Finally start working at Malacca General Hospital as Provisional Registered Pharmacist... Actually i'll only spend a year at mlk, then 3 years of compulsary service in Alor Gajah Hospital..
First 2 weeks of work till now.. i was being assigned to In-patient ward supply.. Besides screening prescriptions and medication profile and do the medication filling jobs, i also have to fulfil the requirement for 3 counsellings per day.. So I'll go to the wards and see the patients sometimes for counselling of using the medications correctly... Quite fun to communicate with patients. Some are quite scare to use the insulin pen for injection and i'll get help from staff nurses to persuade them. Some are really co-operative and show good response.
So far so good, but not careful enough... done some small mistakes... forgotten something... Have to watch out coz my training period will be extend if i done any medication error... so, have to be at utmost responsible for every speech and action.
Really learned alot from my fellow collegues, experiences really worthy..
Hope i can pass the forensic exam next next week... Gambatte to all my fellow collegues and coursemates!!
First 2 weeks of work till now.. i was being assigned to In-patient ward supply.. Besides screening prescriptions and medication profile and do the medication filling jobs, i also have to fulfil the requirement for 3 counsellings per day.. So I'll go to the wards and see the patients sometimes for counselling of using the medications correctly... Quite fun to communicate with patients. Some are quite scare to use the insulin pen for injection and i'll get help from staff nurses to persuade them. Some are really co-operative and show good response.
So far so good, but not careful enough... done some small mistakes... forgotten something... Have to watch out coz my training period will be extend if i done any medication error... so, have to be at utmost responsible for every speech and action.
Really learned alot from my fellow collegues, experiences really worthy..
Hope i can pass the forensic exam next next week... Gambatte to all my fellow collegues and coursemates!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
文/魏娣香 星洲活力副刊星云版
我要以谦卑的心,向每个我遇到的人学习他们的经验,丰富自己的内涵,to be a better person。每一天的学习,每一天的成长。快乐,是因为活在学习当中。
文/魏娣香 星洲活力副刊星云版
我要以谦卑的心,向每个我遇到的人学习他们的经验,丰富自己的内涵,to be a better person。每一天的学习,每一天的成长。快乐,是因为活在学习当中。
Monday, September 15, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
参加善友之家和佛学会的convo night,都有幸从师父手与口中接获祝福与开示,很感恩。唯悟师父、真如师父、觉竞师父、开舍师父,您的叮咛我会放在心上的。尽快安顿自己,要持续以佛法滋润生命。一起毕业的朋友们,祝福你们好好过生活。
晚上和一位朋友聊,提醒我要针对弱点突破自己。我的弱点是不太敢在大众前把自己想传达的讯息表达出来,对自己没信心,无法很明确地把自己想的化为文字,有效地传达给大众。 每一次都希望由能表达得更好的人把讯息带给别人,而没勇于争取机会训练自己,每一次都躲在安全区得过且过。继续呆下去,我不会成长,也会形成对他人的依赖。开始我以为只要多充实自己,若有更多感同深受的经验会加强信心,但原来这是不够的,我也需掌握说话时头脑的组织力与分析力,每次想不出要怎样讲时,在短时间内尽量想,不要就这样放弃。抓紧每个机会学习表达自己的想法。想要有善巧说,成为一个弘法人员是要付出努力的。我要加油!
星期一和几个朋友去唱K后看了两场戏。Journey to the centre of the earth是我小时候看的一本书,故事拍得很紧凑,不错。尤其女主角天不怕地不怕的冒险精神,很干脆、很帅,让我这个婆妈的人很佩服她。接下来一个人看Dark Knight,已故小丑的表现果然没让人失望,只是看到Batman被他玩弄于手掌心好像很无力。担心有人看了有样学样扮小丑可不是好玩的。船上人们的良知与对死亡的恐惧天人交战,最终良心战胜私心,不禁为他们鼓掌。如果有正见的引导,我想他们也不需心里拉据那么久吧!
不知不觉这篇东西也打了整小时。政府的posting letter估计九月才到,这期间就乖乖读书,得空就去上上课。虽然人事物不能尽如人意,但还是希望我与马六甲的缘分深一些,让我为家乡的人们贡献一点力量吧!
参加善友之家和佛学会的convo night,都有幸从师父手与口中接获祝福与开示,很感恩。唯悟师父、真如师父、觉竞师父、开舍师父,您的叮咛我会放在心上的。尽快安顿自己,要持续以佛法滋润生命。一起毕业的朋友们,祝福你们好好过生活。
晚上和一位朋友聊,提醒我要针对弱点突破自己。我的弱点是不太敢在大众前把自己想传达的讯息表达出来,对自己没信心,无法很明确地把自己想的化为文字,有效地传达给大众。 每一次都希望由能表达得更好的人把讯息带给别人,而没勇于争取机会训练自己,每一次都躲在安全区得过且过。继续呆下去,我不会成长,也会形成对他人的依赖。开始我以为只要多充实自己,若有更多感同深受的经验会加强信心,但原来这是不够的,我也需掌握说话时头脑的组织力与分析力,每次想不出要怎样讲时,在短时间内尽量想,不要就这样放弃。抓紧每个机会学习表达自己的想法。想要有善巧说,成为一个弘法人员是要付出努力的。我要加油!
星期一和几个朋友去唱K后看了两场戏。Journey to the centre of the earth是我小时候看的一本书,故事拍得很紧凑,不错。尤其女主角天不怕地不怕的冒险精神,很干脆、很帅,让我这个婆妈的人很佩服她。接下来一个人看Dark Knight,已故小丑的表现果然没让人失望,只是看到Batman被他玩弄于手掌心好像很无力。担心有人看了有样学样扮小丑可不是好玩的。船上人们的良知与对死亡的恐惧天人交战,最终良心战胜私心,不禁为他们鼓掌。如果有正见的引导,我想他们也不需心里拉据那么久吧!
不知不觉这篇东西也打了整小时。政府的posting letter估计九月才到,这期间就乖乖读书,得空就去上上课。虽然人事物不能尽如人意,但还是希望我与马六甲的缘分深一些,让我为家乡的人们贡献一点力量吧!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
BEYOND 25th Anniversary
中学时期第一个哈的明星/乐队就是BEYOND。一首《海阔天空》吸引了我,在我婆妈的个性注入一点潇洒。以前没什么钱买不起CD,就收集卡带。(想听一首歌要打带打很久。〕多数朋友喜欢四个人的BEYOND,而我觉得自家驹离世后,三子抱着坚持原创的理念,下来的作品都不错。那时候就积极收集一切关于BEYOND的资讯,看到有附送BEYOND海报的偶像杂志就买。好友们也会帮忙剪报,然后一切排好好放进clear folder,三不五时拿出来欣赏。
收到妮给我的『BEYOND 25th Anniversary』,有一种久违了的感动。哈。还记得人生中第一个买的专辑是『BEYOND光辉岁月十五年』,不知不觉就过了十年。十年来,BEYOND三子、BEYOND fans、我,各自经历了不少事吧。
收到妮给我的『BEYOND 25th Anniversary』,有一种久违了的感动。哈。还记得人生中第一个买的专辑是『BEYOND光辉岁月十五年』,不知不觉就过了十年。十年来,BEYOND三子、BEYOND fans、我,各自经历了不少事吧。
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
前几天收到理大佛学会寄来的convo night邀请卡,打开以前在佛学会沉浸的记忆。说真的很惭愧,从佛学会获益良多,但没有为她付出些什么。
Monday, August 4, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
前几天在星洲副刊看到一篇东西,大意是当你看到家里开始乱了,煮的菜开始软软的,父母开始不喜欢出门了... 是时候轮到我们给他们全心全意的照顾,就好像在襁褓中所得到的照顾一样。半年前回家时看到妈妈中午放学后打包回来。妈妈说她没力每天煮午餐了,因为回到家就很累。当时感觉看起来还很年轻的妈妈原来也开始老了,心中有一下下沧桑的感觉。
前几天在星洲副刊看到一篇东西,大意是当你看到家里开始乱了,煮的菜开始软软的,父母开始不喜欢出门了... 是时候轮到我们给他们全心全意的照顾,就好像在襁褓中所得到的照顾一样。半年前回家时看到妈妈中午放学后打包回来。妈妈说她没力每天煮午餐了,因为回到家就很累。当时感觉看起来还很年轻的妈妈原来也开始老了,心中有一下下沧桑的感觉。
Friday, August 1, 2008
还没有练习开车,为此对自己信心不足。我想自己真的是比较手脚不灵活,想当年学游泳也浸了好久。I have problem of taking instructions, brain and limbs coordination. 说出去都会遭人白眼。(我也不想这么不争气的...) 当爸爸叫到要我驾车时,内心会浮现一股恐惧感。哈,还记得有一次我开车载小妹,结果她吓到回家哭。阴影这种东西不懂是不是一个藉口。之前不敢在大众前讲话也怪四年级时演讲到一半忘稿半路走下台。
还没有练习开车,为此对自己信心不足。我想自己真的是比较手脚不灵活,想当年学游泳也浸了好久。I have problem of taking instructions, brain and limbs coordination. 说出去都会遭人白眼。(我也不想这么不争气的...) 当爸爸叫到要我驾车时,内心会浮现一股恐惧感。哈,还记得有一次我开车载小妹,结果她吓到回家哭。阴影这种东西不懂是不是一个藉口。之前不敢在大众前讲话也怪四年级时演讲到一半忘稿半路走下台。
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Kelantan. Redang.
To equip myself better and to get use to hospital pharmacy practice, i went to Kelantan HUSM with coursemates (Sheh Ki, Yin Ying, Xin Yun, Kok Eng, Chee Hau), with the hope to learn more as HUSM is a teaching hospital. Before going there, i already receive info that the motel room we'll be living is pityfully small, and small keong there are very healthy and macho. 10 hours of bus, started a series of clerkships: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Unit, Pharmacy Satellite Unit, Drug Information Unit, Outpatient Pharmacy Unit, Aseptic Dispensing Unit (included Total Parenteral Nutrition, Intravenous Admixture and Cytotoxic Drug Reconstitution). No clinical ward pharmacist as there are too few pharmacists in HUSM, except in ICU.
Orang Kelantan is indeed kind and friendly, and speaks a unique bahasa kelantan (different pronunciation from conventional BM e.g. make for makan, pahem for faham etc.) Relax. Slow tempo, maybe not so crowded as general hospital. Not much entertainment and going places at Kota Bharu, no karaoke, no clubbing, no cinema (except one that seperates male and female audience with family in between). We went to Wat Photivihan which has the largest sleeping buddha statue in South East Asia and Pantai Cahaya Bulan.
I ended my clerkship earlier and head off to Redang, with PPB friends... 17 of us. All of them, except me already start working as they graduated a year ago. I won't forget the room no.4 chat, long table dinner, snorkeling together, SSing in cafe... Though we do not join each other's life so often, but there are no gap between us, still have the same goal in life... seeing u guys, spending memories together, is worthy.. The island, only a word to describe, wonderful... 美到...漂亮到...可爱到... the postcards became real breathtaking scene... Took a flight back to KL... Can hardly imagine we are flying at 800 km/j while the plane seems static in the sky... 7 hours of bus ride=45 min of air flight... This is the first time for 6 of us, and we nearly lost in KLIA. (乡下佬出城记)
Today is the second day i reach home, juz finish straightening my hair the fourth time... looks like 埃及妖后abit.. ha...
Four everyone's information, 14 Aug evening is my convo... if u happen to pass by USM dat time, pay me a visit ya... To all my coursemates and friends, in USM and otherU... HAPPY CONVOCATION!! ^_^
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Alokarama, Light of Wisdom
Just back from 5 days of Alokarama Youth Camp. First time going to Alokarama Retreat Center at Asahan. We are guided by Venerable Mahinda and Sister Sumaggala, and Mr and Mrs Lim, as our parents in this camp, cook meals for us... Sadhu to them... (Sadhu=excellence)
Every morning we will do chanting at the shrine hall and meditate at stupa (pagoda that houses Buddha's relics, 舍利塔). The stupa is situated on top of a mount, with spiral-like walking path all the way to the top. In the dark we walk all the way up, with concentration on the steps we are taking. After a short meditation, sun ray approaches us when we lift up our eyelids. Breathtaking scene catch my eyes and peace my minds..
We are given many talks and exposure to the natural way of living. We learned various kinds of herbs and its usage there, and try to harvest some of them for a meal. We prepared ulam rice, but i can't have it nicely with my face turn red and tears running out.. hav to practise more in accepting spicy food coz though i can't tolerate it, i LOVE it.
In one of the talk "In time of challenge, are you really prepared? Be ALERT", given by Aloka Emergency Readiness Team (ALERT), we learned to keep an eye on the possibilities of facing natural disasters such as flood and tsunami in coming years and be prepared in physical fitness, psychological and spiritually. Although Malaysia is quite a safe zone for natural disaster, but as the result of global warming and change of earth plate patterns from earthquakes, we can see places other than flood zone being flooded, feel the shakes and tremors from neighbouring countries etc. I don't know much about the details, but this talk taught me to be prepare while we are in comfort (Hope for the best, Do what you can, Prepare for the worse). We are advised to prepare a emergency bag with food, drinks and surviving kits which can sustain our live in case of awaiting rescuing. We also have to be prepare for case of fire emergencies at home. After that we are separated in few groups to make our water filter by using natural material, but all groups failed to turn a dirty soil water to crystal clear water. Inform me if u are interested in knowing what to be included in a emergency bag etc.
From the talks given by Bhante, the most i learned is to not just learn the dhamma, but to practice it diligently, to be mindful in my bodily actions, speech and thought. This is the first time i go to Alokarama, and i'm looking forward the subsequent visit... For my kalyana mitras who wish to visit places that Buddha being born, gain enlightenment, giving the first discourse (4 Noble Truths) and ceased (maha-parinibbana), Aloka Foundation is organising trips to these holy places in this few years, around 2 weeks, in Nov.
Aloka's website: http://www.alokafoundation.org/
Every morning we will do chanting at the shrine hall and meditate at stupa (pagoda that houses Buddha's relics, 舍利塔). The stupa is situated on top of a mount, with spiral-like walking path all the way to the top. In the dark we walk all the way up, with concentration on the steps we are taking. After a short meditation, sun ray approaches us when we lift up our eyelids. Breathtaking scene catch my eyes and peace my minds..
We are given many talks and exposure to the natural way of living. We learned various kinds of herbs and its usage there, and try to harvest some of them for a meal. We prepared ulam rice, but i can't have it nicely with my face turn red and tears running out.. hav to practise more in accepting spicy food coz though i can't tolerate it, i LOVE it.
In one of the talk "In time of challenge, are you really prepared? Be ALERT", given by Aloka Emergency Readiness Team (ALERT), we learned to keep an eye on the possibilities of facing natural disasters such as flood and tsunami in coming years and be prepared in physical fitness, psychological and spiritually. Although Malaysia is quite a safe zone for natural disaster, but as the result of global warming and change of earth plate patterns from earthquakes, we can see places other than flood zone being flooded, feel the shakes and tremors from neighbouring countries etc. I don't know much about the details, but this talk taught me to be prepare while we are in comfort (Hope for the best, Do what you can, Prepare for the worse). We are advised to prepare a emergency bag with food, drinks and surviving kits which can sustain our live in case of awaiting rescuing. We also have to be prepare for case of fire emergencies at home. After that we are separated in few groups to make our water filter by using natural material, but all groups failed to turn a dirty soil water to crystal clear water. Inform me if u are interested in knowing what to be included in a emergency bag etc.
From the talks given by Bhante, the most i learned is to not just learn the dhamma, but to practice it diligently, to be mindful in my bodily actions, speech and thought. This is the first time i go to Alokarama, and i'm looking forward the subsequent visit... For my kalyana mitras who wish to visit places that Buddha being born, gain enlightenment, giving the first discourse (4 Noble Truths) and ceased (maha-parinibbana), Aloka Foundation is organising trips to these holy places in this few years, around 2 weeks, in Nov.
Aloka's website: http://www.alokafoundation.org/
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
And Now...
Thanx to xiao zhang, i hav another dhamma camp to join next week, at Alokalama Retreat Centre, situated near Tangkak. (though it is inside Tampin district, my hometown!!)... Can hardly miss the camp coz it may be the place i will always drop in after start working at malacca. The search for places to continue learning dhamma and get along with Kalyana Mitra (spiritual friends).. Miss them all ever since i left penang... The decision is quite hard, coz i have to give up the first week of practical at HUSM, no pain, no gain.
3 days ago I made a decision to do something that will help me to gain more flexibility in life later, so I can join whatever camps or programs I want to.. To ensure that I never stray away from the right path in life... Thanx to my 4 years uni life that nurtures, equips and cultivates me to understand myself better and become more contented in life... Ha... not wasting the four precious years... coz sometimes feel that I'm really.. OLD already... marching to 24. Am I still the same like past?? Maybe have to be more responsible in life, ain't a student to make stupid decisions and mistakes anymore. To be responsible to myself, my parents, my younger siblings, my beloved friends, my future counterparts and patients.
At home... really really enjoy... sweet sweet time... Please, please, please, allow me to stay near to my hometown... please...
3 days ago I made a decision to do something that will help me to gain more flexibility in life later, so I can join whatever camps or programs I want to.. To ensure that I never stray away from the right path in life... Thanx to my 4 years uni life that nurtures, equips and cultivates me to understand myself better and become more contented in life... Ha... not wasting the four precious years... coz sometimes feel that I'm really.. OLD already... marching to 24. Am I still the same like past?? Maybe have to be more responsible in life, ain't a student to make stupid decisions and mistakes anymore. To be responsible to myself, my parents, my younger siblings, my beloved friends, my future counterparts and patients.
At home... really really enjoy... sweet sweet time... Please, please, please, allow me to stay near to my hometown... please...
Sunday, June 15, 2008
1. 将蜘蛛放在桌上,冲它大吼一声“爬!”
2. 用小刀将蜘蛛腿全部去掉,冲它大吼一声“爬!”
1. 将蜘蛛放在桌上,冲它大吼一声“爬!”
2. 用小刀将蜘蛛腿全部去掉,冲它大吼一声“爬!”
Monday, June 9, 2008
My plan
Just back from 4 buddhist camps, contented. Will rest at home for 3 weeks, then go to kelantan HUSM for practical for a month, then go redang with previous PPB friends, then fly back to kl (my first time!)... then wait for convo and posting... then start working as PRP (Provisional Registered Pharmacist)...
Now at home, plan to do revision before start working... to refresh the memories, without going to work with nothing in mind... Also plan to brush up my driving skill... and look for places with dhamma class and activities... to ensure i still walk on this path...
Recieved my result, ha... +0.5... can graduate for sure...
During last camp, approached many seniors for consultation, to get use to the coming working world... There will be many challenges and problems coming forward, so have to learn to be patient, and be a sponge to grap as much as i can. Have to learn to receive critics nicely, to learn from anyone experienced than me... Gambatte!!
Now at home, plan to do revision before start working... to refresh the memories, without going to work with nothing in mind... Also plan to brush up my driving skill... and look for places with dhamma class and activities... to ensure i still walk on this path...
Recieved my result, ha... +0.5... can graduate for sure...
During last camp, approached many seniors for consultation, to get use to the coming working world... There will be many challenges and problems coming forward, so have to learn to be patient, and be a sponge to grap as much as i can. Have to learn to receive critics nicely, to learn from anyone experienced than me... Gambatte!!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
这次的考试读得很开心,因为主要不是为了准备考试,而是为将来的工作准备。懂多一些,就能让工作顺利一些,帮助病人多一些。以前考试都是很期待考完试当天可以去Happy Hour,这次呆在家读书也蛮享受的。(不过也安排了考完试的节目。)反正我准备在做工前要“重温旧识”,适逢考试能鞭策我更专心读,何乐不为。
这次的考试读得很开心,因为主要不是为了准备考试,而是为将来的工作准备。懂多一些,就能让工作顺利一些,帮助病人多一些。以前考试都是很期待考完试当天可以去Happy Hour,这次呆在家读书也蛮享受的。(不过也安排了考完试的节目。)反正我准备在做工前要“重温旧识”,适逢考试能鞭策我更专心读,何乐不为。
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I ♥ Penang Life
I'll miss here badly.
3 weeks to come and i'll leave here.
4 years of wonderful memories...
Miss the place: The 2 dollar shop i always treat myself in, mushroom rice at pekaka, yam rice at bali bali, pharmacy school, DKX and DKY, PPB cubicel, DKU where LG held, BT where DSG is going on, Library PHSI with clean toilet, the roundabout, the beautiful trees and sights, the USM museum, the bustop where i spent much time on, Subaidah and its roti pisang + tosei... further places: Pantai Kerachut, KekLokSi, Bkt Bendera, Komtar, Gurney Hotel (Pharmnite), Bt Feringgi, ThanHsiangSi, Explanet...
Miss the people: All my coursemates, esp those close to me and sit beside me during kuliah, those in my clerkship group where we had much fun and interesting learning, those accompanying me to school. All my housemates in Kalyana Mitra Home and ex-housemates at U Height 97-14-2 and Saujana 6-25. All my friends in PPB, juniors and seniors, esp FW5 and FW7 members... All my friends in Tzu Ching... All my friends i know and met before...
Miss the sound, the view, the life...
So lucky i am to spend part of my life here.
DK: Dewan Kuliah
LG: Lumbini Garden
BT: Bilik Tutorial
DSG: Dhamma Sharing Group
PHSI: Perpustakaan Hamzah Sendut I
USM: Universiti Sains Malaysia... Ha
PPB: Persatuan Pelajar Buddhist
FW: Facilitator Workshop
3 weeks to come and i'll leave here.
4 years of wonderful memories...
Miss the place: The 2 dollar shop i always treat myself in, mushroom rice at pekaka, yam rice at bali bali, pharmacy school, DKX and DKY, PPB cubicel, DKU where LG held, BT where DSG is going on, Library PHSI with clean toilet, the roundabout, the beautiful trees and sights, the USM museum, the bustop where i spent much time on, Subaidah and its roti pisang + tosei... further places: Pantai Kerachut, KekLokSi, Bkt Bendera, Komtar, Gurney Hotel (Pharmnite), Bt Feringgi, ThanHsiangSi, Explanet...
Miss the people: All my coursemates, esp those close to me and sit beside me during kuliah, those in my clerkship group where we had much fun and interesting learning, those accompanying me to school. All my housemates in Kalyana Mitra Home and ex-housemates at U Height 97-14-2 and Saujana 6-25. All my friends in PPB, juniors and seniors, esp FW5 and FW7 members... All my friends in Tzu Ching... All my friends i know and met before...
Miss the sound, the view, the life...
So lucky i am to spend part of my life here.
DK: Dewan Kuliah
LG: Lumbini Garden
BT: Bilik Tutorial
DSG: Dhamma Sharing Group
PHSI: Perpustakaan Hamzah Sendut I
USM: Universiti Sains Malaysia... Ha
PPB: Persatuan Pelajar Buddhist
FW: Facilitator Workshop
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
The Beauty of Journals
From long time before i was exposed to the importance of reading up journals to complete our assignments and build up knowledge, but i always ignore it. Who has the free time to read something so dull and those incomprehendible study design? God has.
Till i pay library a visit today. Since this may be the last time, i linger there for a whole day. Went to "Majalah Kini" session, checking up journals. First, Journal of Photography, cool... interesting pictures and articles... Then try to look for those related to my future career... well, not so interested in those purely black n white... glance through...picked up "American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy", flipped a few pages. Some articles pertaining role of pharmacist and ways to perform clinical interventions caught my eye. I like those stuffs... clarify my future direction and ways to perform better as a pharmacist, optimize our contribution to the healthcare system.
This is the first time i get interested in journals. I miss all the previous issues. Now is the time to leave pharmacy school, and is the time to know more about future prospect. Remember previous 4 years of studying, studying and studying just to pass the exams with...not flying, but at least not crawling colours... Study hard for those possible appearing in exam... others... wait till i have the time... Now i will like to study to serve my future patients better.
Next week is the exam week... the last exam in my life (if not mistaken)...
Gambatte to myself and everyone, esp all my coursemates (for 4 years long)!! \(^o^)/
Till i pay library a visit today. Since this may be the last time, i linger there for a whole day. Went to "Majalah Kini" session, checking up journals. First, Journal of Photography, cool... interesting pictures and articles... Then try to look for those related to my future career... well, not so interested in those purely black n white... glance through...picked up "American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy", flipped a few pages. Some articles pertaining role of pharmacist and ways to perform clinical interventions caught my eye. I like those stuffs... clarify my future direction and ways to perform better as a pharmacist, optimize our contribution to the healthcare system.
This is the first time i get interested in journals. I miss all the previous issues. Now is the time to leave pharmacy school, and is the time to know more about future prospect. Remember previous 4 years of studying, studying and studying just to pass the exams with...not flying, but at least not crawling colours... Study hard for those possible appearing in exam... others... wait till i have the time... Now i will like to study to serve my future patients better.
Next week is the exam week... the last exam in my life (if not mistaken)...
Gambatte to myself and everyone, esp all my coursemates (for 4 years long)!! \(^o^)/
Friday, March 21, 2008
Long time no see...
Just back from a gathering of previous faci workshop members.. enjoyed...
I'm gonna really miss them when i leave penang, soon.
Planning for redang trip at july, hope it will come true.
Everyone seems maintaining the same way of speaking, laughing... still很有亲切感。
And when PPB needs support, everyone giv a helping hand without hesistating much.
That's the spirit of PPB alumni...
Talk much nonsense, but fun, brings everyone together.
Miss you all and i'm looking forward for the next!
I'm gonna really miss them when i leave penang, soon.
Planning for redang trip at july, hope it will come true.
Everyone seems maintaining the same way of speaking, laughing... still很有亲切感。
And when PPB needs support, everyone giv a helping hand without hesistating much.
That's the spirit of PPB alumni...
Talk much nonsense, but fun, brings everyone together.
Miss you all and i'm looking forward for the next!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
You Raise Me Up
Lyric: Grah Am, Brend An Composer: Lovland, Rolf
When I am down and all my soul so weary
When troubles come and my heart burdened be
Then I am still await here in the silence
Until you come and sit awhile with me
You raise me up so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be
This song, reminds me…
When you facing difficulties and unhappiness,
How do you get through it? Who do you think of?
From an innocent don’t-know-all to more matured thinking,
Many people and things around contributed to this.
Thank you all. I will keep growing.
When I am down and all my soul so weary
When troubles come and my heart burdened be
Then I am still await here in the silence
Until you come and sit awhile with me
You raise me up so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be
This song, reminds me…
When you facing difficulties and unhappiness,
How do you get through it? Who do you think of?
From an innocent don’t-know-all to more matured thinking,
Many people and things around contributed to this.
Thank you all. I will keep growing.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Consider a free week...
Yesterday finished the interview by SPA and KKM, signaling the first step into the working world in government hospital. The interview session is not scary or heart-pumping as i thought, i didn't get nervous in the whole process, except when knowing that other counterparts prepared it for a few days while i have only a few hours left to go. Luckily my poor preparation do not affect the performance much. As a reminder from a friend, we are not to take granted that we'll sure pass the interview easily, but to know better about our future job environment and policies.
I lost the important key in my life, the one hanging on my necklace since 21th yrs old, given by my beloved family members, before attending my grandma's funeral. Despite its value of platinum, the key means a lot to me. It symbolized my family that will always be with me whenever i go, whatever i do. Now i'll have them in heart.
I lost the important key in my life, the one hanging on my necklace since 21th yrs old, given by my beloved family members, before attending my grandma's funeral. Despite its value of platinum, the key means a lot to me. It symbolized my family that will always be with me whenever i go, whatever i do. Now i'll have them in heart.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
On the way back from a gathering at midnite, i received the news that grandma passed away, despite the latest news that her condition was stabilized. Had prepare for the worse but don't know that it was so fast. After the call don't feel terribly upset as i expected (felt abit rare too).
Finally burst out tears on the bus brought me from penang to home the next day, after listening to Jay 青花瓷~炊烟袅袅升起 隔江千万里...I'm quite closed to my grandma, seeing her every week when i was in hometown. Although not fully understand what she talks, i can feel that she is very happy to see us.
Seeing her in the coffin. Apparently losing weight and size after a series of surgeries. She must be suffered before going.
I don't feel very sad actually, juz regretted that she didn't enjoy much when alive. Didn't have the chance to go travelling coz walking difficulty. One of my aunt cried and regretted that her plan to celebrate grandma's birthday never come true. Many family members and relatives came to pay salute in the funeral, and the ceremony is quite grand, everyone was here. It will be more meaningful if everyone gathers here like now when she is still alive, actually. All sorts of car, cash, condominium, maid, radio burned for her is not needed if she is not reborn as ghost. The long and complicated ceremony done is more for comforting the remaining, to make us feel better.
I still have many things to tell grandma, many things to share with her. But hope i've tried my best to sayang her before this. Hope that she gets to a well place, reborn in a good family, be happy.
Appreciate those beside you, esp family, when they are still beside you.
Finally burst out tears on the bus brought me from penang to home the next day, after listening to Jay 青花瓷~炊烟袅袅升起 隔江千万里...I'm quite closed to my grandma, seeing her every week when i was in hometown. Although not fully understand what she talks, i can feel that she is very happy to see us.
Seeing her in the coffin. Apparently losing weight and size after a series of surgeries. She must be suffered before going.
I don't feel very sad actually, juz regretted that she didn't enjoy much when alive. Didn't have the chance to go travelling coz walking difficulty. One of my aunt cried and regretted that her plan to celebrate grandma's birthday never come true. Many family members and relatives came to pay salute in the funeral, and the ceremony is quite grand, everyone was here. It will be more meaningful if everyone gathers here like now when she is still alive, actually. All sorts of car, cash, condominium, maid, radio burned for her is not needed if she is not reborn as ghost. The long and complicated ceremony done is more for comforting the remaining, to make us feel better.
I still have many things to tell grandma, many things to share with her. But hope i've tried my best to sayang her before this. Hope that she gets to a well place, reborn in a good family, be happy.
Appreciate those beside you, esp family, when they are still beside you.
Friday, February 29, 2008
U'll be ok.
Today feels abit complicated.
My 88 yo grandma went in surgery ward to remove the fecal covering underlying tumor that cause unresolved stomach bloating. Cancer, and she is 88. Success rate 50/50. My parents are in mlk hospital right now. Think of goin back to see her, but my dad discouraged me. "What can u contribute if u r here?" In fact, they will be quite worry each time i travel between penang and home. I don't know that, thought i have nothing to make them worry about, since i can take quite good care of myself. Suddenly feel that i must really make sure nothing bad happens to me, as they will be really sad n depressed. I'll try my best.
While at home i back to grandma's place once a week, with my parents. Each time we will not stay very long. I can't really have effective conversation with her coz i'm not good at speaking her dialect. And she can't really listen clearly to us. Actually if can i really wanna know what she is thinking, how does she feel...
So now abit regret that i didn't spend much time to know her better.. do something to make her happy..
Hope that she will not suffer much pain now, feel better.
And to everyone, esp my family n friends, TAKE GOOD CARE, please.
My 88 yo grandma went in surgery ward to remove the fecal covering underlying tumor that cause unresolved stomach bloating. Cancer, and she is 88. Success rate 50/50. My parents are in mlk hospital right now. Think of goin back to see her, but my dad discouraged me. "What can u contribute if u r here?" In fact, they will be quite worry each time i travel between penang and home. I don't know that, thought i have nothing to make them worry about, since i can take quite good care of myself. Suddenly feel that i must really make sure nothing bad happens to me, as they will be really sad n depressed. I'll try my best.
While at home i back to grandma's place once a week, with my parents. Each time we will not stay very long. I can't really have effective conversation with her coz i'm not good at speaking her dialect. And she can't really listen clearly to us. Actually if can i really wanna know what she is thinking, how does she feel...
So now abit regret that i didn't spend much time to know her better.. do something to make her happy..
Hope that she will not suffer much pain now, feel better.
And to everyone, esp my family n friends, TAKE GOOD CARE, please.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Living and Studying...
Seldom have free free time for myself, tend to fill in the gaps completely... esp when rushing... abandoned many good habits i tried to nurture since last sem: a brief sitting (just sitting n relax, without doing or thinking other things, a short meditation) after waking, then hav a few pages of book to fill in my mind, while havin a sip of hot drink in the meantime. i like to advice others to sleep early, wake up early, healthy habit bla bla bla... but nowadays i tend to sleep late, can't wake up early the next day as planned. A bit running out of my ideal life. Nothing put me into that, i let myself to be like this... so, blame no one and try do something. Do u wan yo life to carry on like this?
Oath of a Pharmacist
I will apply my knowledge, experience, and skills to the best of my ability to assure optimal drug therapy outcomes for the patients I serve.
I will keep abreast of developments and maintain professional competency in my profession of pharmacy.
I take these vows voluntarily with the full realization of the responsibility with which I am entrusted by the public.
Apart from that, my life is still organized, contented juz as before. My wonderful university life is about to reach an end. Next Monday will be my last kuliah in school... After that, no more. I'm not going to be happy about this. Since young we hate school, class, homeworks, but now felt that being spoonfeed by somebody else is a privilege. Soon some ppl'll goin to knock on my head or make my easy life become uneasy... esp with my underqualified qualification. I'M GONNA WORK HARD ON THIS!
From my primary, secondary, tertiary school up to 3rd yr in university i study for the sake of studying. Since when, i started to study for my future profession. The more i know, the better i serve the patients, the more i can contribute. So, now i actually enjoy study very much. It's a pleasure having time to equip myself more, out of stress, for now.
Oath of a Pharmacist
At this time, I vow to devote my professional life to the service of all humankind through the profession of pharmacy.
I will consider the welfare of humanity and relief of human suffering my primary concerns. I will apply my knowledge, experience, and skills to the best of my ability to assure optimal drug therapy outcomes for the patients I serve.
I will keep abreast of developments and maintain professional competency in my profession of pharmacy.
I will maintain the highest principles of moral, ethical, and legal conduct.
I will embrace and advocate change in the profession of pharmacy that improves patient care. I take these vows voluntarily with the full realization of the responsibility with which I am entrusted by the public.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
只是会期待生活中出现一道 不知源自何处的彩虹。
只是会期待生活中出现一道 不知源自何处的彩虹。
Sunday, January 20, 2008
You Raise Me Up
Lyric: Grah Am, Brend An Composer: Lovland, Rolf
When I am down and all my soul so weary
When troubles come and my heart burdened be
Then I am still await here in the silence
Until you come and sit awhile with me
You raise me up so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be
This song, reminds me…
When you facing difficulties and unhappiness,
How do you get through it? Who do you think of?
From an innocent don’t-know-all to more matured thinking,
Many people and things around contributed to this.
Thank you all. I will keep growing.
When I am down and all my soul so weary
When troubles come and my heart burdened be
Then I am still await here in the silence
Until you come and sit awhile with me
You raise me up so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be
This song, reminds me…
When you facing difficulties and unhappiness,
How do you get through it? Who do you think of?
From an innocent don’t-know-all to more matured thinking,
Many people and things around contributed to this.
Thank you all. I will keep growing.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008
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从最狭小的空间(厕所)出来,抬头看到一望无际的天空; 我的心胸,应该要像天空般辽阔,能够包容万事、万物。 高僧们,对赞美嗤之以鼻,对批评趋之若骛; 这是修行人真正的傲骨,不是追求表面的提升。

听到如愿法师开示一个《百喻经》里的故事: 有一位赶路的痴人,急急忙忙走了许多路,肚子里慢慢觉得饿了。勉强再走一程,经过一个小小市镇,抬头看见一个烧饼摊,便停了步,放下担子,伸手向衣袋里摸出钱来,买烧饼吃。第一个烧饼吃下肚,不济事;再买一个烧饼吃,依旧不济事;连买第三四五六个...
昨晚上广论班刚好从三恶趣苦进入皈依三宝的内涵。觉得有佛陀、师父牵引着我迈向光明的新一年,很幸福。在岁末时差一点小命不保,所以能平安跨年,觉得好开心哦。 上完课和旧同学在旧村聚会,大家谈着谈着,不知不觉就有零零散散的烟花提醒我们新年到了。老朋友,不会一直充斥着你的生活,但当你见...
昨晚和阿妮、慧卿喝茶。 阿妮在 >做writer几个月了,工作压力让她看起来蛮疲累,有点心疼。在 blog 里时时光鲜亮丽的她原来也有捱苦的一面。在我们姐妹前才卸下华丽的外衣倾吐心声。(哈,没那么严重啦。) 不过难得的是阿妮十五年如一日(我和她认识15年了),没有被现实染污...