Thursday, April 10, 2008

I ♥ Penang Life

I'll miss here badly.
3 weeks to come and i'll leave here.
4 years of wonderful memories...

Miss the place: The 2 dollar shop i always treat myself in, mushroom rice at pekaka, yam rice at bali bali, pharmacy school, DKX and DKY, PPB cubicel, DKU where LG held, BT where DSG is going on, Library PHSI with clean toilet, the roundabout, the beautiful trees and sights, the USM museum, the bustop where i spent much time on, Subaidah and its roti pisang + tosei... further places: Pantai Kerachut, KekLokSi, Bkt Bendera, Komtar, Gurney Hotel (Pharmnite), Bt Feringgi, ThanHsiangSi, Explanet...

Miss the people: All my coursemates, esp those close to me and sit beside me during kuliah, those in my clerkship group where we had much fun and interesting learning, those accompanying me to school. All my housemates in Kalyana Mitra Home and ex-housemates at U Height 97-14-2 and Saujana 6-25. All my friends in PPB, juniors and seniors, esp FW5 and FW7 members... All my friends in Tzu Ching... All my friends i know and met before...

Miss the sound, the view, the life...

So lucky i am to spend part of my life here.

DK: Dewan Kuliah
LG: Lumbini Garden
BT: Bilik Tutorial
DSG: Dhamma Sharing Group
PHSI: Perpustakaan Hamzah Sendut I
USM: Universiti Sains Malaysia... Ha
PPB: Persatuan Pelajar Buddhist
FW: Facilitator Workshop

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从最狭小的空间(厕所)出来,抬头看到一望无际的天空; 我的心胸,应该要像天空般辽阔,能够包容万事、万物。 高僧们,对赞美嗤之以鼻,对批评趋之若骛; 这是修行人真正的傲骨,不是追求表面的提升。