Friday, March 14, 2008

Consider a free week...

Yesterday finished the interview by SPA and KKM, signaling the first step into the working world in government hospital. The interview session is not scary or heart-pumping as i thought, i didn't get nervous in the whole process, except when knowing that other counterparts prepared it for a few days while i have only a few hours left to go. Luckily my poor preparation do not affect the performance much. As a reminder from a friend, we are not to take granted that we'll sure pass the interview easily, but to know better about our future job environment and policies.

I lost the important key in my life, the one hanging on my necklace since 21th yrs old, given by my beloved family members, before attending my grandma's funeral. Despite its value of platinum, the key means a lot to me. It symbolized my family that will always be with me whenever i go, whatever i do. Now i'll have them in heart.

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从最狭小的空间(厕所)出来,抬头看到一望无际的天空; 我的心胸,应该要像天空般辽阔,能够包容万事、万物。 高僧们,对赞美嗤之以鼻,对批评趋之若骛; 这是修行人真正的傲骨,不是追求表面的提升。