Friday, February 29, 2008

U'll be ok.

Today feels abit complicated.

My 88 yo grandma went in surgery ward to remove the fecal covering underlying tumor that cause unresolved stomach bloating. Cancer, and she is 88. Success rate 50/50. My parents are in mlk hospital right now. Think of goin back to see her, but my dad discouraged me. "What can u contribute if u r here?" In fact, they will be quite worry each time i travel between penang and home. I don't know that, thought i have nothing to make them worry about, since i can take quite good care of myself. Suddenly feel that i must really make sure nothing bad happens to me, as they will be really sad n depressed. I'll try my best.

While at home i back to grandma's place once a week, with my parents. Each time we will not stay very long. I can't really have effective conversation with her coz i'm not good at speaking her dialect. And she can't really listen clearly to us. Actually if can i really wanna know what she is thinking, how does she feel...

So now abit regret that i didn't spend much time to know her better.. do something to make her happy..

Hope that she will not suffer much pain now, feel better.

And to everyone, esp my family n friends, TAKE GOOD CARE, please.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Living and Studying...

Seldom have free free time for myself, tend to fill in the gaps completely... esp when rushing... abandoned many good habits i tried to nurture since last sem: a brief sitting (just sitting n relax, without doing or thinking other things, a short meditation) after waking, then hav a few pages of book to fill in my mind, while havin a sip of hot drink in the meantime. i like to advice others to sleep early, wake up early, healthy habit bla bla bla... but nowadays i tend to sleep late, can't wake up early the next day as planned. A bit running out of my ideal life. Nothing put me into that, i let myself to be like this... so, blame no one and try do something. Do u wan yo life to carry on like this?

Apart from that, my life is still organized, contented juz as before. My wonderful university life is about to reach an end. Next Monday will be my last kuliah in school... After that, no more. I'm not going to be happy about this. Since young we hate school, class, homeworks, but now felt that being spoonfeed by somebody else is a privilege. Soon some ppl'll goin to knock on my head or make my easy life become uneasy... esp with my underqualified qualification. I'M GONNA WORK HARD ON THIS!

From my primary, secondary, tertiary school up to 3rd yr in university i study for the sake of studying. Since when, i started to study for my future profession. The more i know, the better i serve the patients, the more i can contribute. So, now i actually enjoy study very much. It's a pleasure having time to equip myself more, out of stress, for now.

Oath of a Pharmacist
At this time, I vow to devote my professional life to the service of all humankind through the profession of pharmacy.
I will consider the welfare of humanity and relief of human suffering my primary concerns.
I will apply my knowledge, experience, and skills to the best of my ability to assure optimal drug therapy outcomes for the patients I serve.
I will keep abreast of developments and maintain professional competency in my profession of pharmacy.
I will maintain the highest principles of moral, ethical, and legal conduct.
I will embrace and advocate change in the profession of pharmacy that improves patient care.
I take these vows voluntarily with the full realization of the responsibility with which I am entrusted by the public.

Saturday, February 2, 2008



只是会期待生活中出现一道 不知源自何处的彩虹。



从最狭小的空间(厕所)出来,抬头看到一望无际的天空; 我的心胸,应该要像天空般辽阔,能够包容万事、万物。 高僧们,对赞美嗤之以鼻,对批评趋之若骛; 这是修行人真正的傲骨,不是追求表面的提升。